Smile Health Dental Care in Hornsby, NSW, offers comprehensive restorative treatments such as onlay, inlay to restore missing tooth structure.
Orthodontics focuses on the alignment of your teeth and jaw. At Smile Health Dental Care, our orthodontists begin by examining your mouth and face, taking X-rays, and creating plaster or digital models of your teeth. This thorough evaluation helps us identify misalignments, overcrowding, or other issues that require correction. Treatment often involves braces or aligners to move teeth into their proper positions, ensuring a harmonious bite and a healthier mouth.
Orthodontic treatment offers more than a beautiful smile; it can significantly improve oral health. When teeth are crooked or misaligned, it can lead to increased risks of tooth decay, gum disease, and even jaw joint problems. By straightening your teeth and ensuring a proper bite, orthodontic work can reduce these risks and make it easier to maintain good oral hygiene. At Smile Health Dental Care, we aim to enhance your appearance and overall dental health.
Orthodontic treatment involves various appliances to correct dental issues. Braces are the most common, and brackets and wires are used to move teeth into place. Clear aligners are another popular option, offering a more discreet way to achieve a straighter smile. At Smile Health Dental Care, our orthodontists will recommend the best treatment for your specific needs. We prioritise your comfort and convenience, ensuring that the chosen appliances suit your lifestyle and preferences.
Orthodontic work can have a significant impact on your quality of life. Misaligned teeth can cause strain on the jaw muscles, leading to discomfort, headaches, and other complications. By addressing these issues, orthodontic treatment helps you bite more evenly and reduces strain on your jaw. Smile Health Dental Care is dedicated to helping you achieve a balanced and comfortable bite, resulting in a more functional and aesthetically pleasing smile.
For reliable orthodontic treatment in Hornsby, NSW, visit Smile Health Dental Care. Our skilled team is ready to guide you through every step of the process, from initial assessment to final adjustments. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, straighter smile.
Ready to achieve a straighter, healthier smile? Contact Smile Health Dental Care in Hornsby on 02 9476 2226 to schedule your orthodontic consultation today.
Suite 509/ 90 George St,
Hornsby, NSW, 2077
ABN: 53982731020